Sunday, July 1, 2007

Live and let Live

_The Leap of Faith
This was the blog I had put off for a week or 2weeks. In one of my blog tours of the scientific community, the untimely and tragic death of a reputed researcher, faculty member in natural sciences Dr.Elizabeth Sulzman was reported. She had taken some caustic substance and ended her life,leaving behind a v. young daughter. I know the scientific world especially in US sits inside a pressure cooker of high expectations, competition and stress. I have seen and experienced it first hand. But for a renowned or valued member of faculty such as Dr Sulzman who doted her daughter to call it quits in so tragic a fashion calls for some rethinking. I t is very important early on itself, young adult life to have a proper perspective on life. what is our foundation?when the storms of life come raging around what keeps us grounded or moored ( will the anchor hold?) . Our faith and belief system has to be strong- to quell the brunt of the storm. I liked what Becky Wolfe once commented on the controversy of stem cell research -- she said "I am glad India looked at the options not the controversy"in making headway and cure for some of the longstanding ailments of tissue damage. We have to learn to make options for ourselves.Work, leisure, family relationships, job options , must be kept in proper balance. We require strong frienships, prayer and fellowship . When our faith and belief system is strong, the love of God and fellowbeing s can withstand any storm. I remember when I was in India as young adult in college, I never really understood why we needed to believe in Christ.Ofcourse I never voiced that doubt. I know during the La deVinci Code controversy, many Christians were emotionally moved to prove the historicity of the life and death and resurrection of Christ. For me at that time proving the historicity of Christ did not seem important but I pretended it was important, to make me feel superior I think tothe others.. If someone had told me Ram /Christ lived a pure , blameless life and laid down his life for his friend so that his friend could live a good , blameless life through the sacrifice and faith in such a person involves putting aside all the sins such as envy, hatred, anger, deceitful, lying, sexual orgies, drunkenness, covetousness etc that would have made sense- I didnt need any proof if such a person actually lived died and rose again.It was like believing in Sai Baba or something . Also if someone has explained what Jesus meant when he said plant the seed in the good soil - what is a good soil - of good education, reality of community and life , breaking the bondage of bad habits by personal self will and God's help( remember In Abel and Cain , God tells Cain to overcome the sin of anger towards his brother who was doing good). that would have made sense then.Also what did Jesus mean when He said - the people of the world are shrewd if only my people had been likewise wise/shrewd in matters of kingdom of God( which is our life on earth and eternal life) would have made things easier -- that would have helped. But proving the existence of God or his historicity and sacrifice and resurrection didnt really make sense to me. I used to pray that God would heal my very cerebally palsied sister so that would be living proof to all . I am glad God took me to States where I understood more of the ununderstood parts of the Bible and my faith was straightened out and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, reading andunderstanding of scriptures, prayer and fellowship of believers and aalso on the strength of faith and life of the founders of US constitution framers and writers. I understood the importance of the historicity of Christ and His death and resurrection - my experience of the good things in life through Him and the many aspects of our humanity,love and compassion and rationale for our beliefs reinforced my faith . I enjoyed life, had a joy amid the steam of scientific life andlearnt to slowly create more options for myself in less stressful areas like teaching and value work ( not in what is hype) and God came through.
Faith is always in someone you know(atleast somewhat to begin with) - it takes time and honesty to further build up such a relationship because God is a God of day to day life and living and routine.I remember when In my early years of research in US , a budding middleaged Indian Professor (married but no children) ended her life(In her early 40s) after a very rewarding career,because one of her grants didnt come through (the couple had 2 large houses, money etc) the Indian post doc from Kolkata who worked under her said - Why did she choose such a time to die just when my H1 visa was being processed. She should have waited alittle longer"

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