Friday, May 25, 2007

grant writing and cow poems

June 12 is the D day for completing two of my grants on breast cancer( for Department of Defense US) - After last minute across the globe emailing , I finally got two collaborators - so it is taking shape - Now to writing the references - that is the most tedious part .....To relieve the drudgery I am reading silly poems along with my daily dose of PG Wodehouse...

Here's a silly poem for anyone in the mood...

I once had a cow that jumped over the moon
Not on the moon but over.
I dont know what made her so lunar a loon,
All she's been having a clover.

That was back in the days of my godmother Goose,
And though we are goosier now,
And all tanked up on mineral juice ,
We havent caught up with my cow.

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