Saturday, April 28, 2007

Just back from my Mumbai trip

Mumbai was were we grew up - me and my three topclass siblings- where we waded knee deep in flood waters many a monsoon with our gumboots and duckback raincoats chasing many a greeneyed frog that had come gasping for the mumbai hawa (air),where we devoured bhelpuris,buddi ka baal (old lady's hair) - and other such frightful goodies ,where we played langdi ( one foot hopping ) ,dabha eyes spies(hide and seek) and other such games .When Dad retired in 1988 we were all dispersed like water bubbles in different directions - my oldest brother Premkumar ( whom all my friends said looked like the handsome Amitabh Bacchan) was raising his family in Nigeria,I was in US and Anand and Dolly ( the lower batting order) were in hot Chennai. Mumbai was far from us and we from it for several years.Now I have in the last 6years visited it once every year or atleast once in two years- It has been a welcome going back to roots. Travelling in the double decker buses , the crowded local trains and doing foot path shopping has been quite exciting to say the least. Fellowshiping with Viju and Valsa Abraham was added blessing and brought back fond memories of EGF which though it stood for Evangelical Graduates Fellowship we had nicknamed as Eat Good Food...

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